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ATI Project

ATI Project is an international studio specialized in integrated design in the field of architecture and engineering, committed to the development of sustainable buildings with reduced environmental impact.

The studio was established in 2011 by Branko Zrnic and Luca Serri, founders dedicated to research in the field of bioclimatic architecture and renewable energy. In thirteen years, the team has grown from 2 to over 350 collaborators.

The initial outline of the structure is the same that still drives its growth today: a young, visionary, technological studio that natively uses the BIM methodology to promote multidisciplinarity, as well as innovation and sustainability.

The complexity and number of projects reflect the international success of the office, which today, in addition to its headquarters in Pisa, has offices in Milan, Belgrade, Odense, Paris, Copenhagen, Geneva and Tallinn.



ATI Project
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 37
1553 København
CVR nummer: DK39302268
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