Real-Time LCA - online
This course introduces the processes that you will encounter in connection with LCA calculations on construction with Real-Time LCA (RTLCA). For you to work wit...
I alt 2.190 DKK -
Introduktion til Livscyklusvurdering (LCA)
På dette introduktionskursus i Livscyklusvurdering (LCA) lærer du: at forstå det grundlæggende koncept bag Livscyklusvurdering (LCA) at definere, hvad LCA er, o...
I alt 850 DKK -
Inventor kursus 6 uger + 1 års E-learning adgang
Du vil lære både de grundlæggende og de mere avancerede værktøjer i Inventor. Undervisningen bygger på NTI’s mangeårige erfaring fra industribranchen, og du er ...
I alt 24.900 DKK -
AQAP Inspiration Seminar Online (English)
AQAP Inspiration Seminar Online (English) The NATO AQAP – Allied Quality Assurance Publications – 2000 series / AQAP-2110 inspiration seminar provides you with ...
I alt 5.500 DKK -
Webinar: Learn about AQAP2110 Standards and their requirements
Did you know that suppliers of products and services to the NATO Member Countries Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations often must meet relevant NATO ...
AutoCAD Raster Design e-learning
AutoCAD Raster Design is aimed at those who work with scanned drawings. The program is an add-on to AutoCAD – not on AutoCAD LT. The course deals with handling ...